Minggu, 17 November 2019

Definition and Kinds of Translation

TRANSLATION: Definition and Kinds of Translation 

The Definition of Translation

       There are some definitions of translation. Nida states that translation consist of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style[1]. Newmark in Rudi Hartono states that translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text.[2]
   From the definition above the translation has the same term “equivalence”. The meaning, context, though, or message of both source of reproducing in the receptor language, the closest natural are equivalent to the message of source language. The first is meaning and secondly is style. The message of source language must equivalent. The reader of translation who knows the target language only will be confused if the target language is influenced by the source language.
       Meanwhile the result of translation must be transferring the meaning of the source language clearly. In order to make the clear meaning of source language, it is expected that the meaning of target language can be understood by the readers. So, the result of translation must be readable. In target language, readability is needed, because it makes the readers easier to catch the content of the translation text, conversely when the translation text is not readable. It will make the readers difficult to understand the content of the text well.
    Based on many definitions above, the writer assumes that the translation is a process of transferring thoughts and message from the source language to the target language, in the form of written or spoken.

The kinds of translation

        Practically, there are some kinds of translation that have their own characteristics and forms. Some kinds of translation are found because of the differences and similarities of the source structures, different kinds of text that are going to be translated and different purpose of translation. Newmark states that translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language.[3]
Roman Jakobson in Hatim and Munday makes a very important distinction between three types of written translation[4]: 1)Intralingual translation,translation within the same language, which can involve rewording or paraphrase, 2) Interlingual translation,translation from one language to another,3)Intersemiotic translation,translation of the verbal sign by non verbal sign for example music or image.
Nababan differentiates kinds of translation, such as word for word translation, free translation, literal translation, dynamic translation, pragmatic translation, aesthetic-poetic translation, ethnographic translation, linguistic translation communicative translation and semantic translation[5].
[1] Nida,Eugene A and Taber. The Theory and Practice of translation.Leiden:E.J.Brill.1969.p16
[2] Rudi Hartono.Op.cit.p2
[3] Rochayah Machali. Pedoman Bagi Penerjemah..Jakarta:grasindo.2000.p48
[4] Munday, jeremy and Basil Hatim.Translation an advanced resource book. Newyork: Routledge. 2004. p5
[5] Rudolf Nababan.Teori Menerjemah.Yogyakarta:Pustaka pelajar. 2008.p30

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